Friday, February 24, 2012

The Production of Space - Henri Lefebvre

行使空間,最為人熟知的討論,會是法國哲學家列斐伏爾(Henri Lefebvre)在The Production of Space一書所言,分為三個可能性:(一)由上而下以控制空間的權力(Representations of Space),以及(二)由民間自發,因為聚居生活,所呈現與所住環境的關係(Representational Space);當然不可或缺的,就是(三)由下而上,因聚居生活,以至刻意對權力的顛覆,由平民主導的空間實踐(Spatial Practice),以見原來在權力的生產關係之外,其實還可以有平民自主的可能性。

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Memoire - Pierre Nora

The less memory is experienced from the inside the more it exists only through its exterior scaffolding and outward signs-hence the obsession with the archive that marks our age, attempting at once the complete conservation of the present as well as the total preservation of the past. Fear of a rapid and final disappearance combines with anxiety about the meaning of the present and uncertainty about the future to give even the most humble testimony, the most modest vestige, the potential dignity of the memorable.